Wow that spam is real...

Wow that spam is real...

And you can't even ignore them to remove it because their account is no longer valid. Why they picked this sub is beyond me. Been doing this a couple days now.

From San Jose, California, it's time to change the way you interact with the world using the most personalized mobile AI experience yet, only from Samsung Galaxy. Join the conversation in the comments below.

From San Jose, California, it's time to change the way you interact with the world using the most personalized mobile AI experience yet, only from Samsung Galaxy. Join the conversation in the comments below.

Gebrauchtwagen vs neuer Dacia Jogger im Leasing

Hallo, wenn ihr die Wahl hättet, was würdet ihr eher für ca. 10.000€ nehmen? Einen gebrauchtes Fahrzeug oder ein neuer Dacia Jogger als Leasing. Da der Gebrauchtwagenmarkt aktuell mehr als frustrierend ist, überlege ich mir echt für 2 Jahre ein Jogger zu leasen und danach zuschauen was der Markt neuer hergibt. Für 2 Jahre finde ich einen Jogger gut, man kommt von A nach B. Bis dahin hat sich hoffentlich der Markt generell etwas beruhigt. Was denkt ihr darüber? Danke!

21 savage tickets for sale

Indian sneaker fest tickets for sale for cheap Festival pass GA - 3k ( 3 passes available) Day 3 FANPIT - 1.5k ( 2 passes available)

Costante frustrazione in ambito sociale

Ragazzo, 20 anni, sono al primo anno di università e faccio gli scout. È da un po ormai che ho la costante sensazione di esser li li per raggiungere un traguardo è come se qualcuno mi facesse lo sgambetto e sbattere la faccia per terra solo che sono stanco di sbattere la faccia ogni volta e di rialzarmi solo per poi ricadere di nuovo. Ormai mi sono rimaste poche persone di cui mi fido realmente e comunque devo sempre essere io il primo a cercare con gli altri miei amici il rapporto si è degradato proprio per questo, ho la costante impressione di essere l’unico che tiene ad i rapporti ad aggravare tutto ció c’è stato lo scorso anno trascorso in quasi completa solitudine con varie infatuazioni tutte una più traumatica dell’altra. Poi non mi era mai pesata come cosa ma ultimamente inizia a pesarmi, ho 20 anni e sono vergine, personalmente non credo di essere un brutto ragazzo però boh. Ho provato a fare qualche seduta con una terapeuta su unobravo ma mi sono sentito preso per il culo, ogni domanda che le facevo me la rifaceva a sua volta e io ero li dicendo: non lo so cosa potrebbe significare se fossi stato in grado di rispondere a questa domanda non te l’avrei fatta. Io ho avuto veramente tante esperienze una più assurda dell’altra e da ognuna di queste ho cercato di capire cosa sbagliavo in modo da non ricommettere lo stesso errore ma forse questa cosa è diventata la mia principale fonte d’ansia, un filtro enorme che lascia uscire l’acqua in modo più lento e controllato ma per niente spontaneo.

Born in 23 apr 2007, ding assam india, 22:58. Mercury in my chart sits differently in different ayanamsa, I want to know which one is correct. Left is bv raman, right lahiri.

It’s nuts up in here

How to Turn Uranium Metal Into Nuclear Fuel for Radiant Holidays

Gdy aplikujesz obecnie o prace, jaki procent aplikacji konczy sie odzewem?

![img](4b1bt7nxklee1) []( Cos mi sie nie chce wierzyc ze w Polsce odzew (jest tak wielki) to 1/4 na fizyczne i 1/8 na umyslowe dla kogos z ![img](k1eggjcallee1) CV kandydatow na stronach 44-47 Pisze to bo mam perspektywe Brytyjska, zarowno na wykwalifikowane (mam studia i tez probowalem aplikowac uzywajac fake CV Brytyjczykow, gdzie tez nie ma na to zbytnio odzewu) jak i na niewykwalifkowane pozycje.

NATO begins defensive exercises in Eastern Europe under the name "Operation Steadfast Dart". It will simulate a rapid deployment of NATO forces in defending against a theoretical "emergency conflict scenario." Over 10,000 personnel will participate in the combined arms simulation

Where would I find the minimum operating temperature in heat mode for my heat pump?

So Maryland is freezing up nowadays (1-20 degrees Fahrenheit) and I recently got an Ecobee that has been screaming at me that my AUX heat has been running for hours. Monday, my house used upwards of 100 KWH of energy. I am trying to figure out the temperature where my heat pump can comfortably heat up the house without the Aux constantly kicking in so I can set the **Compressor Min Outdoor Temperature** and the **Aux Heat Max Outdoor Temperature**. I am a new first time homeowner so I don't have much understanding of my systems yet but my air handler model is ARUF25B14AB from February 2018 and my outdoor heat pump unit is a GSZ140241KG from March 2017. I can answer other questions regarding my units based on my labels but I am not sure what I should set my thresholds to, so that the AUX isn't constantly running. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

Libreelec & LG Displays Issues??

I posted this on /r/kodi and the []( forums, but it was suggested that I post here instead: \------------------- Just wondering, is anyone else out there using the combination of Kodi running on RPIs (Libreelec) with LG TVs having problems keeping their remotes connected via CEC? I'm running LibreElec on four (4) different Raspberry Pi 4s & 5s and have them plugged into several different brand displays, Panasonic, NEC and LGs, have been for years.  On the Panasonic displays (both the one I currently have and the one it replaced) and the NEC display the remote/HDMI CEC functions work flawlessly, no issues at all.   On the LG displays, both those I have now and the ones they replaced a few years back, I can get the remote/HDMI CEC to function after a reboot or power reset however as soon as I switch the display to another input the HDMI CEC functions stop working until I reset the Raspberry Pi again. Initially I thought this was a display issue but they don't exhibit this problem when switching between other device inputs such as going between the Bluray players and TV input, just switching the Raspberry Pi running Kodi and any other input.  This is has only been an minor irritation for sometime as the LG displays are in bedrooms and stay on the Kodi input most of the time, but I'm considering upgrading my HT display to LG OLED TV wondering in if this is a problem with all LG displays including newer ones?  I looked through all the display and Libreelec settings, fiddled with a couple but nothing seems to changes this behavior. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue?

Working title is "Frisbee" A Drum and Bass Short Story, 1hr 42min.



Which Assists do you want to see next for Fraymakers (2025 Edition)

Now that Candace is out, which assists do you want in 2025

Ex Muslim, I'm tired of my fear of hell and death

hey guys I'm a woman in a Muslim country even tho I don't believe in Religion anymore I still have this irrational fear of hell, I tried everything to ease it but I'm in a constant panicking state if you are a Christian in a western country and you think it's bad multiply that by 1000 and you will get the kinda of level of indoctrination people get subjected to here especially to women, I just don't believe that I have enough time in my lifetime to deconstruct my trauma I feel like a lost cause and Destined for suffering. I got too desperate and shared my story to different sub reddits and other social media posts hoping someone will say somthing that triggers a postive response in my brain. they all have gave me logical ways to get over my fear but in my brain for this subject logic doesn't apply so I don't know what to use I'm a prisoner of my own mind. I wish that I never existed, it all seems so pointless I use to dream of having a life outside this country and experience what normal people experience that are forbidden here but now I don't want to experience anything even joy or happiness I'm just tired and lost. I might delete this later but I wanted to vent.

Coat of arms of Marlborough District Council, New Zealand

i can’t get myself to focus when i need to.

i’m in my world history class right now, and class ends in 55mins as i’m writing this. i have to write notes, but i really don’t want to, so i keep procrastinating. i do this almost every class. i can’t just lock in like how i see people doing. i’m always fidgety and easily get distracted. i try to use music to help me focus, but it doesn’t really help. i have a half built art desk at home, i can’t lock in and finish building it, even though i want to. i want to finish my painting, but it takes a lot of steps to paint. i want to be able to focus and lock in on things, but i feel like i can’t, and i don’t know why.

So, what do you do instead?.. 😬

I love my wife, but the sex is so infrequent. I have a pretty hight libido and she has a very low one.. It's essentially the same situation that everyone in this group has found themselves in. So, what do you do instead? I masturbate a lot, but need more.. I'd never physically cheat, but what are people's views on sexting with like minded strangers?

Casual Sport Series Tennis - Nintendo Switch gameplay release - my game

Utilizing all builders to max th12 before reaching th13

I finally made it. I will reach th13 with maxed 12 (last upgrades in progress). I always have few idle builders before reaching next town halls

"> I finally made it. I will reach th13 with maxed 12 (last upgrades in progress). I always have few idle builders before reaching next town halls

Tommorrow... the potato

Bulk Article Generation [25% Off code: REDDIT25]

Bulk Article Generation [25% Off code: REDDIT25]

Idk what this is, But at first it the brightest star in the sky!!! Then it’s a orbe or drone or idk???

How much will the mid 2010s age in the next 5 years

In your opinion, how much will the mid 2010s age over the 5 years culturally, tech, fashion, mood, etc?

Mosaic install

Hi all,

I have ordered 2 sheets of stone mosaic tiles, I want to create a sink splashback in our cloakroom w.c.

Due to it needing a quick spruce and trying to keep costs down, I’ve bought everything necessary for the job to do myself however, I’m so confused for which trim I need to use?

See pic attached this is the trim I need in brass if anyone can tell me what I need to search please, not sure if the trim needs a certain lip 😅the stone mosaics are 1cm thick apparently so I would like them to sit flush to the trim.

P.s - I’m hoping I’ve used the right lingo 😂

Thanks in advance x

"> Hi all, I have ordered 2 sheets of stone mosaic tiles, I want to create a sink splashback in our cloakroom w.c. Due to it needing a quick spruce and trying to keep costs down, I’ve bought everything necessary for the job to do myself however, I’m so confused for which trim I need to use? See pic attached this is the trim I need in brass if anyone can tell me what I need to search please, not sure if the trim needs a certain lip 😅the stone mosaics are 1cm thick apparently so I would like them to sit flush to the trim. P.s - I’m hoping I’ve used the right lingo 😂 Thanks in advance x

Who should i be using and need a clan

Ive been playing this game for a long time but started playing again recently and im not sure what im doing Last slide is my current team

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